The Libra New Moon on September 26 will be at 7.55 am, positioned in the 3rd degree of the sign. The Sabian symbol for the Sun and Moon is “The dawn of a new day reveals everything changed”, articulating the ever-present possibility of beginning again on a new foundation of values, innovation. This seems very apt, in line with the previously discussed Triple New Beginning!
In the early degrees of the sign you will be feeling your way at something truly new, turning over a new leaf from what has come before. You may discover a new way to deal with a tricky relationship issue! There will be an opposition to Jupiter retrograde in Aries, that may indicate you will have to undertake a solution to keep others happy, that doesn’t totally align with what you really want. Change the way you look at the situation or what it is you value and feel you need perhaps!
Alternatively, you may have to tactfully point out to another that they are being too rigid around their way of dealing with the situation or have overly high expectations of gaining everything they want! This also may be an indication that you need to avoid taking on too much! In Airey Libra it will be important to keep an open mind and try to negotiate with charm wherever possible. In the early degrees of the sign, you are on a learning curve and may have limited previous experience in the situations you are being called to navigate!
The Moon will be conjunct Mercury and Venus in the previous sign, so you may need to divide your time between a variety of people or situations. Asteroids Hopi and Iris will be in a closer conjunction to the lunation from just within Libra, indicating the need to negotiate with respect to local traditions and know-how, but to always remain truthful and not try to trick your way out of any difficult occurrences.
Remember with the Sun and Moon in the sign of Libra, the energy focus is generally around:
• Seeking and maintaining balance and a peaceful environment
• Relating more deeply and harmoniously with those you love in all areas of life
• Surrounding yourself with beautiful things
• Remaining upbeat about perceived threats to your relationships, developing more self-belief and inner security
• Assessing expectations, especially within relationships, ensuring that they are reasonable and achievable, where possible remaining open to what happens in the moment
• Stimulating your intellect through discussion or study of alternative views
• Making decisions about situations you have been procrastinating over
The area most aligned with the position of the New Moon can be best gleaned from your natal horoscope chart, however if you only know your Sun Sign, then affirmations around the areas indicated below are likely to be the most powerful, some adjustment may be required to the life areas described:
Venus, ruler of the New Moon in Libra will be closely applying to a trine with Pluto at the time of the New Moon, exact later that day at 3.45 pm. She will change sign from Virgo to her Air Rulership in Libra on September 29 at 5.49 pm, adding her voice and strength to the New Beginnings taking place in the last week of the month. She will remain in Libra along with the Sun, until October 23, Mercury rejoining them in the sign from October 11 following his backward steps during September. October has great portent for being a time where productive new relationships and negotiations become achievable, bringing exciting new possibilities.
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