The Sun in Taurus perfected his square to Pluto in Aquarius in the early hours of April 22, powerfully activating the Scorpio Full Moon which will fall tomorrow, April 24, at 9.48 am at 4 degrees and 17 minutes, in the 5th degree of Scorpio.
The Sabian Symbol for the Moon is described as ”A massive rocky shore resists the pounding of the sea”, the inertia of all institutionalized procedures or stability.
For the Sun in the 5th degree of Taurus, the Sabian Symbol is “A widow at an open grave” the impermanence of all material and social bonds and the need to discard the past, in order to proceed!
This will be the first Full Moon since the eclipses over the last two lunations. Scorpio invites a deeper reflection of what was revealed and what still remains hidden. Mercury Retrograde in Aries adds somewhat to the need to internalize Thoughts and emotions at the moment.
The another key feature here will be the square to Pluto, urging attention being paid to deeply buried aspects of our nature including our darker thoughts and feelings. This may involve closing down options which are no longer working for us despite the fixed determination coming from the Sun in Taurus and the Moon in Scorpio.
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