



The Gemini Full Moon will take place on December 15 at 8.01 pm, positioned at 23 degrees Gemini 58’, the 24th degree of the sign. This has the Sabian symbol “Children skating over a frozen village pond”. The use of inhibiting circumstances for the development of character and a transcendent approach to the environment, resulting in triumph over entropy!



Finding the right balance between safety and fun, successfully overcoming risky challenges, will enable confidence to be gained  for future achievements. The Sun in the 24th degree of Sagittarius, will have the symbol of “A Bluebird perched on the gate of a cottage”. This suggests the reward which meets every effort at integration into a social environment for those who remain true to themselves! A hint of good fortune as bluebirds have long been associated with luck and blessings!

The Sun will be conjunct Eros God of Life Force and applying to Medea who helped Jason to obtain the Golden Fleece but at a great personal cost to her family. So probably time to consider the possible long-term impact on risks that are undertaken. The lunation will form a Mystical Rectangle with an opposition between Vesta the inner spiritual flame that burns inside us all and Hygeia Goddess of Healthy Practice.

There will be some difficulties here as Hygeia will also be conjunct Eris the Goddess of Discord. The sextile formed between the Sun and Vesta will also form the base of a Yod, formed through a quincunx to Uranus in Taurus from them both. Circe the Goddess of shapeshifting through herbal mixtures will also form a tight T Square to Sol and Luna.

Mercury will be Stationary at the time of the Full Moon, ready to begin forward motion again on December 16 twelve hours later on.