Eris will Station Direct in Aries on January 11, before the major transit of the month at 10.01 am on January 12, the change of sign of the Moon’s Nodes, the North Node travelling back from 0 Aries 0’ into the previous Zodiac cycle at 29 Pisces 59’.
This change in the energy of the Nodes will involve moving away from what comes naturally to the South Node in Virgo, being perfectionism and finding how to be of service in the world. Moving towards a deep spiritual transformation with the North Node leading us towards a more compassionate, fluid and spiritually connected path through trust, surrender and integrating the spiritual into our practical daily lives.
The Nodes have a cycle of 18 years and 6 months, so the previous time this occurred was from 23 June 2006 to 14 December 2007. Think back to what was going on in your life back then? For me It was when I was learning Tarot, Numerology, Palmistry, and Qabalah starting to practice and teach them and taking baby steps in learning Astrology. I registered Life Spirit Connections as a business during this nodal cycle and worked part-time at Mystical Dragon in Carrum. Seems to make a lot of sense in hindsight!
On the collective level, Israel and Hamas/ Hezbollah were engaged in war, Wikileaks was happening, the first I Phone was released, climate change was validated as being possibly caused by human beings, and Pluto was demoted to a dwarf planet!
The chart for the current ingress has the Mystical Rectangle between the Nodes and the Mars Pluto opposition tightened up to less than a 2 degree orb. The Sun will be making a tight trine to Uranus and Venus a square to Jupiter Retrograde which will add to the somewhat chaotic energy!
The Aries Point and Zero degrees of each zodiac sign will be very significant this year, as they will combine into significant aspects, as Neptune and Saturn will cross this boundary several times on their journey to finally conjoin in the sign in February 2026. Slow moving Pluto recently entered the sign of Aquarius for 19 years. Jupiter changes sign every year, moving to Cancer, another Cardinal sign of new beginnings. But Uranus will move forward into Gemini after seven years in Taurus. So there is much changing of the guard and chaos to come!
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