The Aquarius New Moon will fall February 10 at 9.59 am (AEDT), positioned at 20 degrees and 40 minutes of Aquarius. The Aquarius New Moon ushers in the Chinese New Year annually, however babies need to be born from February 10 onwards to be considered under the new animal.
This year is the Year of the Wood Dragon. Wood brings the ability to make and accept change. The Dragon represents the fifth of 12 animal cycles in China, which have been likened to the 12 signs of the Zodiac, so like Leo energy. The Dragon indicates a time for new initiations, great beginnings, hard work, and power allocated to growth and prosperity.
The Wood element is also known to be the mother of the Fire element. So, it has the ability to create passion , creativity, invention, and introduce new things! However energy can become somewhat scattered in nature as Wood is focused on growth and needs to be harnessed to be truly effective.
The Sabian symbol for 21 degrees of Aquarius is “A disappointed and disillusioned woman courageously faces a seemingly empty life”, resilience, or the capacity to meet emotionally upsetting experiences in human relationships with strength of character and personal integrity.
Sol and Luna will be separating from a conjunction with shapeshifting witch Circe, while applying to one with Orpheus who managed to come back from a visit to the Underworld, almost managing to resurrect his wife who had been killed by snakebite! Changes of state seem to be referenced here!
The New Moon will be separating from a tight square to her despositor Uranus, reinforcing unexpected and chaotic changes and opportunities.
The luminaries will tightly oppose the asteroid Asteria in Leo (conjunct Atlantis and Imhotep), forming a T-Square with Uranus. At the right time, written in the stars, perfect structures built by “Masters” could come crashing down! A tight quincunx to Gaea, Mother Earth, seems to align with this.
Gaea in Cancer will oppose Venus in Capricorn at the same time, values need to change!
The Sun and Moon will also form a wide Air Grand Trine to the South Node in Libra and Arachne in Gemini, cozied up with Medusa. Lots of repressed feminine energy here! Both ladies fell somewhat out of favor with Pallas Athena, ending up transformed to a spider weaving destiny and a monster whose gaze turned those in her view to stone!
With the Sun and Moon in the sign of Aquarius, the general energy focus for this New Moon will be:
• Being a humanitarian, concerned about the environment, resources and animals
• Putting the needs of the community above your own
• Challenging conventional thinking, seeking fairness and equality
• Becoming involved in group activities with your tribe of likeminded people
• Seeking freedom and the ability to detach from your emotional patterning
• Being true to your individuality
• Coming up with original and unique inspirational ideas
• Increasing your knowledge in what makes people behave the way they do
The area most aligned with the position of the New Moon can be best gleaned from your natal horoscope chart, however if you only know your Sun Sign, then affirmations around the areas indicated below are likely to be the most powerful, but some adjustment may be required to the life areas below:
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