Continued full access to daily blog posts from “Mysteries from Time and Space”
These daily posts cover major astrology events and focus on the monthly movement of the Moon through the Zodiac, as she connects with over 70 mythological archetypes, through the planetary bodies that carry their name. As the transiting Moon influences your emotions, this will help you understand the changes you experience to your moods and the daily situations you are experiencing as part of your ongoing spiritual growth.
References to mythological characters and their stories enrich your understanding bringing up countless “ahah” moments!
Monthly Horoscopes
Monthly horoscopes provide you with specific guidance for the month ahead based on your Sun Sign.
Sara’s approach to horoscopes includes a suggestion of the best birthstone or crystal
to support you through the days that lie ahead.
Monthly Astrology Outlook
This detailed report outlines the overall astrological environment for the next month for you, including New and Full Moons, Eclipses and changes to Planetary Directions. Significant connections to the additional 70 planetary bodies are included where appropriate, enabling you to plan for your month ahead.
Natal Astrology Charts
After signing up and providing your date, location and time of birth (if known), you will be provided with a free birth chart, the blueprint for your life potential. If you don’t know your birth time a chart set at midday will be provided. This will enable you to work with the daily and monthly content, so it can affect you on a more personal basis. You will be provided with a second birth chart containing the 60 extra minor planets that are also used in the content. A list of these minor planets with their numbers, and the glyphs used for them, will be provided to help you identify which ones are most significant for you.