Art by Julie Dillon

There will be a Cancer Full Moon tomorrow at 9.26 am on January 14 (AEDT), at 23 degrees and 59 minutes of the sign. The Moon will be conjoining Mars Retrograde quite tightly, whereas the Sun will be applying to more widely conjoin Pluto OOS in Aquarius. There continues to be a Mystical Rectangle formed around the 0 degree points, with the Moon’s Nodes having recently moved back into the 29th degree of Pisces and Virgo. Neptune in Pisces conjoining the North Node by 2 degrees of arc.

Uranus in Taurus will hake a partile sextile to the Moon setting up a further Mystic Rectangle with the Full Moon through opposition to a stellium of asteroids around 23 Scorpio in Nyx (Night), Apollo (Sun) and Juno (Marriage).  There is very dynamic and chaotic energy in play,  resulting in unexpected weather events and the loss of homes from the fires in LA! Stay safe around home and family.

The Sabian Symbol for the Moon in this 24th degree is “A woman and two men castaways on a small island in the South Seas”, the focalization of complex inner potentialities in harmonic and concrete relationships, inter-dependence. This third decan of Cancer is ruled by the Moon and corresponds with the Four of Cups from the Tarot, it represents blended pleasure, apathy, contemplation and re-evaluation, reassessment of our emotional state.

For the Sun in the 24th degree of Capricorn, the symbol is “A woman entering a convent”, total commitment to a transcendent goal which will bring, transcendent security. The third decan of Capricorn is ruled by Jupiter, corresponding with the Four of Pentacles, it represents possession, control and security, focusing on long-term stability and maybe holding on things too tightly.