Hybrid or Partial Solar Eclipse

The Aries “Blue” New Moon on April 20, will be in the last anaretic degree of Aries and a rare Hybrid Solar Eclipse! The brilliant photograph was taken when this occurred in 2013, by Matthew Hecht. Sometimes referred to as a Partial Solar Eclipse, it is halfway between a Total and an Annular Eclipse. We  will just miss it being visible in Australia, as it will just graze the tip of the North West coast of Western Australia. The path of the eclipse from “Time and Date” is shown below. Eclipses are times when not everything is readily apparent, so likely to open an introspective period. This will be especially evident as Mercury will began another Earthy retrograde cycle in Taurus from April 8 through to May 31, if you include his two shadow periods. So, the next two months will not be the best time to make contracts or important decisions about your future security, finances or employment. He began his pre-retrograde shadow period at midnight poised between April 7/8, when he reached 5 degrees Taurus 53’, the position he will retrograde back to before he Stations Direct on May 15. His actual Retrograde point will be on April 21 at 6.34 pm, the day after the Solar Eclipse!

Aries Solar Eclipse New Moon

The eclipse will occur at 2.12 pm (AEST) and 29 degrees and 50 minutes of Aries, the second New Moon in the sign this year, so a true Blue Moon, not just created by the differences between the Lunar Cycle and the Gregorian calendar!  The Sabian symbol for this 30th degree of Aries is “A duck pond and its brood” emphasizing the realization of natural boundaries, focalization.

The eclipse will be part of Saros Series 7 North, which started on October 3 1101 at the North Pole. Bernadette Brady tells us the series is very sensual, ranging from sudden sexual passions and lust to birth and procreative drives. It is not subtle and can catch people off guard, confronting them with their own very deep passions, which may have been hidden for many years.

The luminaries will be forming an almost exact out of sign square to Pluto at 0 degrees Aquarius 19’ and trine to Black Moon Lilith at 0 degrees Virgo 42’. Prepare to transform yourself through initiating new ideas and projects, the perfect opportunity for personal fulfillment! You may be triggered to react impulsively without giving things the usual amount of contemplation!

With the Sun and Moon in the sign of Aries, the energy focus is on:

  • Starting new initiatives or projects, having new ideas
  • Putting yourself first, only getting involved in activity which benefits you personally
  • Taking the lead, guiding other people
  • Being active, getting involved in competition or competitive sport as an individual
  • Going with the flow, letting other people take the lead
  • Taking risks and trying to exceed your personal best performances
  • Being independent and decisive

The area most aligned with the position of the New Moon can be best gleaned from your natal horoscope chart, however if you only know your Sun Sign, then affirmations around the areas indicated on the next page are likely to be the most powerful, but some adjustment may be required to the life areas below:

Aries New Moon Table

The Sun will ingress into Taurus four hours later at 6.13 pm.