The Aquarius Full Moon will take place on August 20, at 4.25 am (AEST) at 27 degrees and 15 minutes of the sign, with the Sabian Symbol for the Moon in the 28th degree of Aquarius, “A tree felled and sawed to supply wood for the winter”. Knowledge and skill used in its natural surroundings for the satisfaction of vital basic needs, intelligent foresight.
In contrast the symbol for the Sun in the 28th degree of Leo, is “Many little birds on a limb of a big tree”. A wide and perhaps confusing, openness to a multiplicity of inspiring potentialities overwhelmed with potentialities!
The luminaries will be forming a tight T-square to Uranus, with both Mercury Retrograde and asteroid Vesta tightly opposing the Moon and conjunct the Sun. The emphasis will be on decision making, but with Uranus, who is the modern ruler of Aquarius, holding sway in some way.
Vesta represents eternal fire and the flame that burns brightly inside us all. She represents the need to ensure something in our inner core is kept alive and protected.
Sol and Luna also form the resolution opposition to yet another Yod, formed by quincunxes from Pluto and Neptune to the Sun this time.
There is a lot going on and doubtlessly this will be reflected in the collective, as it is already starting to be. There could be an healing aspect as well, with Eris and Chiron in Aries making a trine to Mercury Retrograde, the Sun and Vesta.
Probing what others are thinking will be important.
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