What is Astrology

Astrology works on the concept that what happens in the sky above, provides energy to be used in our lives down on Earth. “As Above – So Below”. We have free will to use that energy in the manner we decide. If we are unconscious of it’s existence we will tend to experience it as fate or destiny in the form of external events and relationships happening to us. However when we are conscious of what is coming, we can use the energy to optimize our experiences and integrate our lessons, enhancing our individuation or self-developmental journey to enlightenment. It is only when we know what changes need to be made, but resist making them, through fear or wishing to hang onto our current circumstances, that the stress comes out more physically as dis-ease or injury in our bodies.

Sara holds the FAA Practitioner’s Diploma in Astrology, she has been a member of the APA since April 2011. She is an Evolutionary Astrologer who takes a psychological approach to her interpretation of the stars. She has undergone annual training from Steven Forrest in this field, starting in 2008. In addition she has been exposed to the Jeffrey Wolf Green approach to the genre, through the work of Patricia Walsh, Kaypacha and Mark Jones.

Sara also specializes in Astro-Mythology, working with 53 “intuitive” asteroids and points in addition to the 13 luminaries, planets, Nodes and Chiron in common use by the astrology community. She selected them based on the mythical individuals they were named for and the stories they were associated with, to provide additional archetypes for individuals working with their intuition in fields involving divination, healing, transformation, working with our earth and its environment.

Sara is Agent 66 in a global network of astrologers called the Cosmic Intelligence Agency, who have a mission to promote the understanding of humanity’s ever-present cosmic connectedness, through information distributed through their website, a collective membership, Facebook, webinars and monthly “Get Smarter” astro-group meetings in Melbourne.

What is Astrology

“I have loved  the stars in the night sky and been fascinated by mythology for all of my life.  If the Moon controls the ocean’s tides, it just goes to show how it can affect human bodies which are greater than 75% water. Astrology is the most insightful and extensive self-development tool I have come across.   It never ceases to amaze me, how many layers of understanding are contained in just a simple birth chart”

Sara Gilbert

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